2020.08.20 17:06Nation

イベント制限、9月も継続へ コロナ拡大で5000人維持―政府


2020.08.20 17:06Nation

Japan to Maintain Event Restriction in Sept.

The Japanese government plans to maintain the current restriction of event participants at 5,000 or fewer per event in September, given the ongoing spread of COVID-19 infections across the country, government sources said Thursday.
   The government initially planned to scrap the event restriction at the beginning of this month, but has put off its removal to the end of the month, following a resurgence in COVID-19 cases in Tokyo.
   The government now finds it necessary to postpone the lifting of the restriction again, as infections are continuing to spread mainly in urban areas, according to the sources.
   The government is looking primarily at a three-week postponement from the end of August, while some within the government are calling for a delay until the end of September, they said.
   The government is slated to formally decide to maintain the event restriction at a related expert panel meeting next Monday.


