2020.08.20 08:55Nation

聖火リレーは当初日程維持へ 東京五輪


2020.08.20 08:55Nation

Tokyo Olympic Torch Relay Schedule to Remain Unchanged

The Tokyo Olympic organizing committee plans to keep unchanged its initial schedule of completing the torch relay at all 47 Japanese prefectures in 121 days, informed sources said Thursday.
   The committee hopes to kick off the torch relay, postponed in line with the one-year delay of the Tokyo Olympics due to the coronavirus pandemic, on March 25, 2021, at the J-Village national sports training center in Fukushima Prefecture, northeastern Japan.
   The committee may still change the schedule depending on the coronavirus situation.
   Although the committee had discussed shortening the torch relay schedule as part of its plan to hold simplified Olympics, it failed to win the understanding of prefectural governments, the sources said.


