2020.08.19 07:10Nation

コロナ禍に手紙で寄り添い 孤立懸念、学生が独居高齢者に―大阪


2020.08.19 07:10Nation

Students Writing to Elderly to Prevent Isolation amid Epidemic

A group of university students in the western Japan city of Suita, Osaka Prefecture, has been sending letters to elderly people who live alone to keep them in touch with others at a time when they are spending more time at home amid the new coronavirus outbreak.
   The activity is aimed at preventing such elderly people from being socially isolated.
   "Communicating with others not only face to face, but via phone calls or letters is effective to reduce the risk of becoming in need of care or suffering dementia," said an expert.
   The group, called Suisui Suita, was established by undergraduate and graduate students of Osaka University, after a powerful earthquake hit the northern part of the prefecture in 2018, to help people socialize with others in a local community through disaster-prevention and other activities.
   The group came up with the idea of writing letters to elderly people after learning that opportunities for senior citizens to communicate with others at community centers and elsewhere decreased drastically after the central government declared a state of emergency over the virus crisis in April, said Hikaru Okishio, 22, a senior at the university's Department of Human Sciences, who heads the group.


