2020.08.17 19:49Nation

山下智久さん活動自粛 未成年者と飲酒、亀梨和也さんも注意―ジャニーズ事務所


2020.08.17 19:49Nation

Popular Singer-Actor Yamashita to Refrain from Activity

Major Japanese talent agency Johnny & Associates has ordered popular singer and actor Tomohisa Yamashita to refrain from activity for a certain period of time for reportedly drinking with underage people.
   The agency also said Monday that it has reprimanded Kazuya Kamenashi, another popular singer and actor, who was also reported to have attended the drinking party.
   Yamashita, 35, and Kamenashi, 34, said they were not aware that the individuals were underage. But Johnny & Associates concluded that drinking with multiple people at a time when many people were exercising self-restraint amid the coronavirus crisis was "an act that lacked awareness and responsibility."
   The Japanese weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun has reported that in late July, Yamashita and Kamenashi had a drink at a bar in Tokyo with a group of people including two high school girls.


