2020.08.15 11:21Nation

日本と「向き合う準備ある」 徴用工問題で協議呼び掛け―韓国大統領


2020.08.15 11:21Nation

Moon Calls for Dialogue over Wartime Labor Issue with Japan

South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Saturday reiterated his stance of trying to resolve the dispute over wartime requisitioned labor with Japan through dialogue.
   "My administration is ready to sit down with the Japanese government at any time to discuss" the wartime labor issue, Moon said in a speech at a ceremony in Seoul to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Korean Peninsula from Japanese colonial rule, according to an unofficial translation in English of his remarks released on the website of the Blue House.
   As Moon failed to mention any specific solutions, however, critics say it remains uncertain whether there will be progress in efforts to resolve the matter.
   After South Korea's Supreme Court ordered Nippon Steel Corp. in 2018 to pay compensation to South Koreans requisitioned to work for the company during World War II, a South Korean district court issued an order to seize assets held by Nippon Steel in South Korea. The Japanese company filed an immediate appeal against the order.
   The procedures to convert Nippon Steel assets into cash are advancing steadily, although they are not expected to be completed until the end of 2020 or later. The Japanese government has warned that the conversion into cash would create a serious situation.


