2020.08.14 17:08Nation

「次の首相」石破氏トップ維持 自民支持層でも


2020.08.14 17:08Nation

Ishiba Preferred for Next Prime Minister of Japan: Jiji Poll

Shigeru Ishiba, former secretary-general of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, is viewed by the largest proportion of the public as the most suitable person to become the country's next prime minister, a Jiji Press poll for August showed Friday.
   Ishiba was chosen by 24.6 pct of respondents, up 3 percentage points from the last survey that covered the subject, conducted in February, in which Ishiba also topped the ranking of possible candidates.
   Among respondents who support the LDP, Ishiba was also chosen as the favorite to become the prime minister after incumbent Shinzo Abe's final three-year term as president of the LDP ends in September 2021, beating Abe by over 10 points.
   Among all respondents, Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi ranked second, with 12.3 pct, and Abe third, with 9.2 pct.
   The top three positions remained unchanged from the February poll but Koizumi and Abe each suffered declines in popularity.


