2020.08.06 20:16Nation

「発信遅い」「何がしたいの」 帰省自粛要請に都民困惑―新型コロナ


2020.08.06 20:16Nation

Tokyoites Confused over Summer Trip Restraint Request

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike's request for residents to refrain from making trips outside the Japanese capital, such as to parents' homes, during the summer breaks following a resurgence of coronavirus cases has met with confusion and criticism among Tokyoites.
   People were baffled by the request announced Thursday, right before the three-day weekend from Saturday, saying it is too late and conflicts with the central government's stance of not calling on people to avoid travel during the "Bon" period in mid-August.
   The metropolitan government "took too long" to make the request, Koya Yoshioka, a 38-year-old corporate worker, said in front of East Japan Railway Co.'s Shinbashi Station in Minato Ward, crowded with many corporate workers.
   Yoshioka said he had decided to cancel a family trip to Ishikawa Prefecture, central Japan, a few days ago.
   "I had no choice but to cancel it after this many coronavirus patients" were found across Japan, he said, accusing the central and metropolitan governments of falling behind the curve in making responses.


