2020.08.06 11:44Nation

帰省時は感染防止徹底を 安倍首相、広島で記者会見

 政府の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンにも触れ、「観光事業者と旅行者の双方に感染拡大防止策を実施していただきながら、ウィズコロナの時代の安全で安心な新しい旅のスタイルを普及・定着させていきたい」として、引き続き実施する方針を示した。

2020.08.06 11:44Nation

Abe Calls for Virus Prevention Steps during "Bon" Holiday

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe urged citizens on Thursday to take thorough measures to prevent new coronavirus infection during the "Bon" holiday period in mid-August.
   "I want to ask people to make sure to take basic infection prevention measures when visiting parents' homes" during the Bon period, Abe told a press conference in the western Japan city of Hiroshima. He noted such measures as avoiding the three Cs of closed, crowded and close contact settings and not speaking loudly.
   "We're not in a situation that requires the government to declare a state of emergency immediately over the virus," Abe said, even though the number of new infection cases is surging again nationwide.
   It was the first time for the prime minister to hold a press conference since June 18, right after the end of this year's ordinary session of the Diet, Japan's parliament.
   Regarding trips to hometowns, Abe also called on people to refrain from events at high risks of infection, such as dining in a large group, and take extra care to protect elderly people from the virus.


