2020.07.29 11:58Nation

規制委、再処理工場の審査書決定 「新基準満たす」と判断―核燃サイクル重要施設


2020.07.29 11:58Nation

Japan N-Fuel Reprocessing Plant Given Regulatory Green Light

The Nuclear Regulation Authority unanimously adopted on Wednesday a report concluding that a spent nuclear fuel-reprocessing plant in the northeastern Japan prefecture of Aomori meets the country's new safety standards for starting operations.
   The approval of the screening report is a major milestone for the facility, operated by Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd. The company started construction of the facility in 1993.
   Japan Nuclear Fuel, however, still needs to obtain approval for a construction plan, including a detailed design description of the facility's equipment, in order to kick off the plant's operations.
   It is unclear whether the company will be able to complete all necessary procedures for the facility in the first half of fiscal 2021 as planned.
   The facility, located in the village of Rokkasho, is designed to produce mixed oxide, or MOX, fuel, a blend of uranium and plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel.


