2020.07.29 01:10Nation

子宮頸がん検診、ガイドライン改定 ウイルス検査を推奨―国立センター


2020.07.29 01:10Nation

HPV Test for Cervical Cancer Recommended in Japan

Japan's National Cancer Center on Wednesday decided to newly recommend a cervical cancer screening method involving checking for human papillomavirus, or HPV, infection.
   The recommendation is included in the center's revised cervical cancer screening guidelines. The center also pointed to the need to establish a system for tracking those who test positive in the newly approved method. The virus is known to cause cervical cancer.
   The HPV test involves scraping off secretions from the entrance of the uterus using a special tool and testing them for the virus.
   The revised guidelines say that the HPV test is just as effective in preventing cancer as the currently recommended method of collecting cell samples and checking them for abnormalities, and that the new screening does not need to be conducted as frequently as the conventional method.
   Many women experience HPV infections at least once in their lives, but most recover naturally. However, some of these infections linger and cause precancerous lesions, which can turn into cancer.


