2020.07.28 21:40Nation

GoTo新規「除外」なら客負担 予約済みの割引分―観光庁が方針

 観光庁は28日、国内旅行代金を補助する観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」に関し、東京都以外の地域が新たに事業の適用除外となった場合、その地域への予約済みツアーの割引分は利用客が負担するとの方針を明らかにした。当初、こうした割引分は事業者が負担する方針だっただけに、新型コロナウイルスの感染が再拡大する中での変更に戸惑いの声も広がりそうだ。

2020.07.28 21:40Nation

Travelers to Cover Discounts in New "Go To Travel" Exclusions

If more regions are excluded from the Japanese government's Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign, discounted portions of the fees for trips to such areas booked before their exclusions will be covered by the travelers, the Japan Tourism Agency has said.
   The announcement on Tuesday is expected to trigger widespread confusion as such costs were initially planned to fall on the shoulder of businesses accepting the travelers.
   The government decided the policy change, finding that having businesses make up for such discounts is not possible under the system for the campaign, according to the agency.
   For example, a person purchasing a 20,000-yen travel package consisting of flight and accommodation fees would only have to pay 13,000 yen under the tourism promotion campaign, but the person would need to pay the discounted portion of 7,000 yen as well if areas including the destination are excluded from the campaign after the travel was booked and if he or she nevertheless chooses to go on the trip.
   The government also decided not to shoulder cancellation fees for trips to and from regions that will be newly excluded from the program, while government compensation is available for cancellations fees for trips to Tokyo and Tokyo residents' trips outside the Japanese capital, already excluded from the tourism promotion campaign.


