2020.07.29 00:20Nation

腎臓の基を大量作製 iPS細胞から誘導―京大




2020.07.29 00:20Nation

(Repeat) Kyoto Univ. Team Paves Way for Mass Production of Base Kidney Tissue

A Kyoto University research team has developed a method to massively generate an embryonic progenitor tissue called uretic bud that gives rise to part of the kidney, an achievement that may contribute to progress in the study and treatment of kidney diseases.
   The mammalian adult kidney is formed by the two embryonic progenitor tissues--metanephric mesenchyme and uretic bud--interacting with each other. The uretic bud consists of the tip and trunk and has the epithelial polarity and tubular lumen. It repeats branching to develop into collecting ducts, by which urine passes from the kidney to the bladder.
   Previously, Kenji Osafune, professor at the university's Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, and colleagues produced uretic bud-like structures from human iPS cells. But they lacked the tubular lumen and did now show sufficient branching.
   According an article published online Wednesday by the U.S. scientific journal Cell Reports, the researchers generated ureteric bud organoids from human iPS cells that have the lumen. They also saw separately cultured uretic bud tip cells reconstituting the organoids, repeating branching and differentiating into collecting ducts.
   "The method may make it possible to supply lots of cells to create kidney disease models and reconstruct kidneys," Osafune said.


