2020.07.28 21:47Nation

次期戦闘機、三菱重との契約調整 基幹部分担当、日本主導に道筋―防衛省


2020.07.28 21:47Nation

MHI Seen Winning Orders for Core Parts of Japan's Next Fighter Jet

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. is likely to win orders for engines and other core parts of Japan's next fighter jet, informed sources said Tuesday.
   The Defense Ministry is in talks with MHI, while planning to conclude a contract with a domestic manufacturer on the development of a successor to the existing F-2 fighter of the Air Self-Defense Force, according to the sources.
   The ministry will formally decide the contractor as early as October and aims to map out plans for joint development and technical cooperation with U.S., British and other companies by the end of this year.
   Foreign companies that have shown interest in the project include Lockheed Martin Corp. of the United States and Britain's BAE Systems.
   On the F-2 successor development, the ministry will select a single company to oversee the development process, rather than have direct contracts with multiple companies, in order to improve coordination among participating companies.


