2020.07.28 17:53Nation

コロナ影響、交通事故22%減 1~6月、死亡は微減―警察庁


2020.07.28 17:53Nation

Japan Traffic Accidents Fall in 1st Half amid Pandemic

The number of traffic accidents in Japan in January-June fell 22.3 pct from a year before to 146,043 amid the coronavirus pandemic, National Police Agency data showed Tuesday.
   The decrease was apparently because of lower traffic volume as many people refrained from going out amid the pandemic.
   The figure was the lowest for a first half since 1990, when data became available, according to the NPA.
   The number of fatal traffic accidents fell only slightly, dropping 3.8 pct to 1,334. Some vehicles were traveling at higher than usual speeds on less crowded roads, the NPA said.
   The monthly number of overall traffic accidents fell in each month from January to June.


