2020.07.27 22:21Nation

慰安婦像にひざまずく「安倍首相」像 韓国の植物園が制作


2020.07.27 22:21Nation

Kneeling Statue Akin to Abe Erected before Comfort Woman Statue

A botanical garden in South Korea has established a statue of a kneeling man who resembles Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in front of a statue of a girl symbolizing so-called comfort women, according to the South Korean daily Kyunghyang Shinmun.
   The move by Korea Botanic Garden in Pyeongchang in the northeastern province of Gangwon-do drew mixed reactions on South Korean social media. Some people called for erecting a similar statue of a man in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul, before which a comfort woman statue has already been set up, while others said that the statues at the botanic garden would antagonize Japan and that the garden's operator could have made a wiser choice.
   The new statues were established with personal money of the head of the privately run garden.
   The garden chief told the South Korean daily that the man's statue depicts Abe and that the two statues were created by a sculptor different from the one who sculpted the comfort woman statue in front to the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.
   The statues at the garden were created in hope of encouraging Japan to face history, give apologies and be reborn, the garden head said.


