2020.07.27 18:03Nation

死亡女性が130万円提示 「お金払っても死にたい」―ALS患者嘱託殺人




2020.07.27 18:03Nation

ALS Woman Offers 1.3 M. Yen before Being Killed with Consent

A woman with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS, proposed a payment of 1.3 million yen to one of two doctors who allegedly killed the patient of the intractable disease at her own request, investigative sources said Monday.
   In late November, the ALS patient, Yuri Hayashi, 51, transferred 500,000 yen and 800,000 yen to the bank account of Naoki Yamamoto, 43, on two different dates.
   The Kyoto prefectural police came to suspect that the money was offered as a reward for Yamamoto and another doctor, Yoshikazu Okubo, 42, after recovering deleted messages Hayashi exchanged with Yamamoto on a social networking site, the sources said.
   According to the sources, the messages clarified that Hayashi repeatedly expressed her wish to die even by paying money due to the progressive nervous system disease and offered to transfer 1.3 billion yen to Yamamoto's account after he informed her of his account number.
   Yamamoto and Okubo were arrested Thursday for allegedly killing Hayashi by administering a drug to her at her apartment in the city of Kyoto, western Japan, on Nov. 30 last year, after the money was transferred.


