2020.07.24 07:15Nation

サイバー・電子戦教育を強化 防衛省、人材確保なお課題


2020.07.24 07:15Nation

Japan SDF Enhancing Electronic, Cyber Warfare Capabilities

Japan's Ground Self-Defense Force is beefing up its educational programs for troops in electronic and cyber warfare, in an effort to narrow wide gaps with other countries in the region over skills for such warfare.
   A new curriculum dedicated to electronic warfare will be established by the end of this month at the GSDF's Signal School in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture.
   In addition, a course specialized in cyber defense is scheduled to open in April next year at the GSDF's High Technical School in the same city.
   "China and Russia are strengthening their military's cyberattack capabilities and practical ability for electronic warfare," Defense Minister Taro Kono said in a speech at the GSDF's Kurihama Camp, where the signal school is located, on Thursday.
   Before the speech, Kono inspected the in-vehicle network electronic warfare system, dubbed NEWS, to interfere with enemy communications and a unified cyber education curriculum for the ground, maritime and air defense forces at the camp.


