2020.07.25 07:56Nation

北朝鮮への石油精製品輸出停止を 上限超過と指摘―日米など


2020.07.25 07:56Nation

U.S., Japan, Others Call for Halting Oil Products Exports to N. Korea

A total of 43 countries including the United States, Japan and South Korea claimed on Friday that North Korea's imports of oil products so far this year had exceeded an annual ceiling of 500,000 barrels under U.N. Security Council resolutions.
   The countries made the claim in a document submitted to a Security Council committee on sanctions against North Korea, according to diplomatic sources.
   They asked the sanctions committee to issue a notice urging U.N. member countries to stop shipments of oil products to North Korea until the end of this year.
   The United States and others made similar requests in 2018 and 2019, only to see them blocked by China and Russia.
   North Korea is believed to be secretly continuing imports through offshore ship-to-ship cargo transfer.


