2020.07.21 16:10Nation

東京五輪、通常開催に反対過半数 早大・同大の研究機関調査


2020.07.21 16:10Nation

Over Half against Holding Tokyo Games in Complete Form

Over half of respondents in a recent Japanese survey said that they are opposed to holding the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games without limiting the number of spectators.
   The nationwide survey was one of three surveys conducted in June and July by Waseda University's Research Institute for Sport Business and the Research Institute of Sport Management at Doshisha University. The survey results were published Tuesday.
   In the last survey, conducted in the six days through July 16, 52.7 pct of respondents said they were either "against" or "somewhat against" holding the Tokyo Games without restrictions on spectators.
   The proportion of those opposed to the sporting event without limiting spectators rose from the first survey, at 45.1 pct, and the second survey, at 47.9 pct.
   The proportion of people who supported holding the games without such limits declined in each survey, standing at 25.0 pct in the first survey, 21.9 pct in the second survey and ultimately falling to 18.4 pct in the last survey.


