2020.07.22 12:21Nation

経済活動「慎重に再開」 GoTo開始で安倍首相

「Go To トラベル」が始まり、記者団の質問に答える安倍晋三首相=22日午前、首相官邸

「Go To トラベル」が始まり、記者団の質問に答える安倍晋三首相=22日午前、首相官邸

 安倍晋三首相は22日、政府の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンが同日から東京発着を除いて始まったことを受け、「国民の協力を頂きながら、慎重に経済活動を再開していく方針に変わりはない」と表明した。首相官邸で記者団の質問に答えた。

2020.07.22 12:21Nation

Abe Reiterates Intention to Restart Economic Activities Carefully

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday reiterated his administration's intention to restart economic activities carefully amid the COVID-19 epidemic, as the government launched a "Go To Travel" campaign the same day to shore up the hard-hit tourism industry.
   "We haven't changed our stance of resuming economic activities carefully while seeking support from the people," Abe told reporters at the prime minister's office.
   "We'll take thorough measures to prevent coronavirus infections and save people from developing severe symptoms," Abe stressed.
   Under the Go To Travel campaign, the government will partly cover tourists' costs, excluding those for trips to or from Tokyo for the time being, due to a recent surge in infections in the Japanese capital.
   Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan parliamentary affairs chief Jun Azumi criticized the government on the day for starting the tourism promotion campaign before the epidemic recedes.


