2020.07.22 05:06Nation

五輪来年開催、5割超否定的 若者の意識調査―日本財団


2020.07.22 05:06Nation

Over 50 Pct of Young Adults in Japan Want No Olympics in 2021

Over 50 pct of young adults in Japan do not want the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to be held in 2021, according to a recent survey.
   In the survey, conducted by the Nippon Foundation on people aged between 17 and 19, 22.3 pct said the Tokyo Games should be postponed for another year, while 19.7 pct said the games should be canceled.
   "Postponing the games to 2024 or later" was cited by 11.5 pct. Respondents who picked the above three options made up over 50 pct in total, suggesting that a majority of young people are negative about the current plan to hold the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, originally scheduled for summer 2020, in summer 2021.
   On the other side of the spectrum, 28.0 pct opted for "holding the Tokyo Games in 2021 as scheduled" and 18.5 pct picked "holding simplified events in 2021."
   Asked about reasons for their choices, some of the respondents who opted for the Tokyo Games being held as scheduled said many athletes have worked hard toward the events, while others said a further postponement would lead to more waste of taxpayers' money.


