2020.07.22 00:07Nation

GoTo、混乱のスタート 旅行代金補助、東京を除外―感染拡大なら再見直しも

 政府の観光需要喚起策「Go To トラベル」キャンペーンが22日始まった。新型コロナウイルスの感染者が相次ぐ東京都を発着する旅行を適用除外とすることが急きょ決定。予約のキャンセル料をめぐっても対応が直前に変わるなど二転三転する政府方針に事業者も旅行者も振り回された。感染動向次第では一段の見直しを迫られる可能性もあり、混乱と逆風下でのスタートとなる。

2020.07.22 00:07Nation

Japan's "Go To Travel" Program Starts amid Confusion

The Japanese government's "Go To Travel" tourism promotion campaign started Wednesday after last-minute policy changes that have confused the travel industry and potential tourists.
   The 1.35-trillion-yen program to boost travel demand through government-subsidized discounts and vouchers may need to undergo further tweaks depending on the coronavirus infection situation.
   "We aim to establish a safe new travel style" through Go To Travel, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba told a news conference Tuesday.
   The government hopes to support the tourism industry, hurt by the coronavirus pandemic, while taking care not to spread the virus further. Travel and accommodation businesses are required to take full precautions.
   The program provides discounts equivalent to 35 pct of the travel costs and shopping and restaurant coupons worth 15 pct for use at travel destinations.


