2020.07.17 19:37Nation

東京除外、首長評価 状況で見直し注文―GoTo

 政府が観光支援策「Go To トラベル」で東京都発着の旅行を割引対象外にすると決めたことについて、各地の首長からは17日、除外判断に理解を示す声が上がった。一方、東京以外にも新型コロナウイルスの感染者が増えている地域があることから、感染状況に応じて割引対象を見直すなど柔軟な対応を求める意見も出た。

2020.07.17 19:37Nation

Japan Local Heads Hail Tokyo Exclusion from Travel Scheme

Regional leaders around Japan on Friday praised the government's decision to exclude trips to and from Tokyo from its Go To Travel tourism promotion campaign amid a spike in novel coronavirus infection cases in the capital.
   Some pushed for even more changes to the program as infections are increasing in other areas as well.
   "I think it is reasonable for the campaign to start with the exclusion of Tokyo," Hirofumi Yoshimura, governor of the western prefecture of Osaka, said. He is a vocal opponent of kicking off the campaign uniformly around the country.
   Takatoshi Nishiwaki, governor of the neighboring prefecture of Kyoto, praised the decision as "reflecting local voices to some extent," adding, "We need to accept tourists carefully by taking full measures to prevent infections."
   "It is natural for Tokyo to be excluded as it is seeing record-high daily numbers of infection cases," Takuya Tasso, governor of Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan, said. Iwate is the only prefecture yet to see confirmed coronavirus infection cases. "Prefectures with infection numbers exceeding a certain level should be excluded," he added.


