2020.07.17 16:29Nation

企業の資金需要、4~6月期は過去最大 新型コロナ対応で―日銀調査


2020.07.17 16:29Nation

Japan Corporate Loan Demand Spikes amid Virus Crisis: BOJ

Demand for bank lending from companies in Japan swelled in April-June, reflecting cash squeeze amid the coronavirus pandemic, a Bank of Japan survey showed Friday.
   The diffusion index of corporate loan demand for major commercial banks jumped from plus 14 three months earlier to plus 59, the highest level since records began in 2000, the central bank said.
   The DI represents the percentage of major banks that enjoyed stronger loan demand over the past three months minus banks that saw demand drops.
   Meanwhile, the household loan demand DI tumbled from minus 7 to minus 24, the weakest reading ever, with lending substantially slowing for both home purchases and consumption at a time when bank customers tended to stay home to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
   The BOJ also said the outlook DI to forecast loan demand change over the next three months stood at plus 29 for companies and minus 6 for households.


