2020.06.29 19:37Nation

コロナ感染増加、再拡大に警戒 政府、緊急事態再宣言は否定的


2020.06.29 19:37Nation

Japan Govt Wary of Coronavirus Resurgence amid Rising Cases

The government is wary of possible another wave of novel coronavirus infections as the number of new cases is rising in Japan, especially in Tokyo.
   The government still says that it will not reintroduce a state of emergency over the COVID-19 epidemic. It is closely watching the situation while keeping cooperation with local governments.
   On Monday, the number of new coronavirus cases in the Japanese capital exceeded 50 for the fourth consecutive day.
   The central government will hold the first meeting of a new expert panel Wednesday.
   The panel, including Kyoto University professor Shinya Yamanaka, will analyze the effects of the government's coronavirus measures such as a target of reducing interpersonal contact by 80 pct.


