2020.06.29 13:32Nation

テレワーク8割が「良い」 通勤時間活用、ストレス減―民間調査


2020.06.29 13:32Nation

80 Pct in Japan in Favor of Working from Home

About 80 pct of people in Japan who have worked from home amid the new coronavirus outbreak are in favor of such work style, pointing to benefits including reduced commuting time, a private survey showed Monday.
   In the survey conducted in May by Tokyo-based staffing agency Staff Service Holdings Co., 78.8 pct of respondents were in favor of teleworking, with 32 pct saying it was good and 46.8 pct saying it was relatively good.
   Meanwhile, the proportion of people who found the work style relatively bad came to 17.5 pct and 3.8 pct said it was bad.
   The poll covered 400 office workers in their 20s to 50s who started working from home after COVID-19 became widespread in the country.
   Asked to name good things about teleworking, with multiple answers allowed, 79.0 pct said they can effectively use the commuting time saved, while 37.5 pct said they have less stress.


