2020.06.09 17:43Nation

河井案里氏秘書に懲役1年6月求刑 公選法違反事件―広島地裁


2020.06.09 17:43Nation

18 Months Sought for Aide to Kawai over Election Scandal

Public prosecutors sought a prison term of 18 months on Tuesday for a state-paid secretary to ruling Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Anri Kawai for allegedly violating the election law during her campaign for the House of Councillors poll last July.
   Prosecutors sought the term for Hiroshi Tatemichi, 54, who is accused of making over-the-limit payments to campaign workers, during a hearing at Hiroshima District Court.
   Kawai won her first parliamentary seat in the Upper House election from the Hiroshima prefectural constituency on July 21, 2019.
   According to the indictment, Tatemichi paid a total of 2.04 million yen to 14 campaign workers for Kawai between around July 19 and 23 last year. The payments exceeded the legal daily limit of 15,000 yen per person.
   The Hiroshima District Public Prosecutors Office concluded that Tatemichi was in charge of organizing and managing Kawai's election campaign and therefore can be regarded as the general election campaign manager and subject to the guilt-by-association system.


