沖縄県の玉城デニー知事は就任1年の4日、県庁で合同インタビューに応じ、米軍普天間飛行場(宜野湾市)の名護市辺野古移設阻止に向け、政府との対話を通じて実現を目指すと強調した。移設先を変更するため、1996年に普天間移設を決めた日米両政府の特別行動委員会(SACO)を復活させ、県代表を加えて「SACO WITH OKINAWA」を設置すべきだと改めて主張した。
Okinawa Gov. Resolved to Block Base Relocation by Dialogue
Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki stressed on Friday, which marked his one year in office, his resolve to block the relocation of a U.S. base within the southernmost Japan prefecture through dialogue with the central government.
In a joint interview at the prefectural office in Naha, Tamaki expressed hope to establish a new committee to be joined by prefectural representatives and called "SACO with Okinawa," by reviving the Special Action Committee on Okinawa, or SACO, set up by the Japanese and U.S. governments in 1996 for the transfer of the U.S. Marine Corps' Futenma air station.
Through the new committee, Tamaki aims to change the plan, based on a Japan-U.S. agreement, to relocate the Futenma air station in Ginowan to the Henoko coastal area in Nago. He demands the base be taken out of Okinawa altogether.
"I wonder whether there should be public work that is promoted without winning the understanding of local residents even if diplomacy and security are the country's prerogatives," Tamaki said.
His remark came after over 70 pct of voters who took part in a prefectural referendum in February opposed the relocation plan.