2020.06.08 11:48Nation

2次補正予算案を国会提出 過去最大31.9兆円、コロナ支援拡充


2020.06.08 11:48Nation

Japan Govt Submits 2nd Extra Budget Bill for Record Spending

The Japanese government on Monday submitted a fiscal 2020 second supplementary budget bill that calls for general-account spending of 31,911.4 billion yen, the highest ever for an extra budget, in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic.
   The government hopes that the additional budget bill will pass through the Diet, the country's parliament, on Thursday.
   "We'll make every effort to prepare for second and third waves (of COVID-19 infections), while protecting jobs and businesses, as well as people's daily lives," Finance Minister Taro Aso told a press conference on the day.
   In the budget bill, 2,024.2 billion yen is earmarked for financial relief to business operators suffering sales slumps to cover two-thirds of their rent for six months, and 2,237 billion yen for emergency aid to medical institutions treating COVID-19 patients.
   The aid to medical institutions expanded 15-fold from 149 billion yen in the first supplementary budget. Up to 200,000 yen will be provided each to medical workers.


