2020.06.05 19:44Nation

授業時間2割、補習と家庭で 学校再開後のモデルケース通知―文科省


2020.06.05 19:44Nation

Extra Classes, Homework Eyed to Finish Curricula amid Virus Crisis

Japan's education ministry on Friday called for using supplementary classes and homework to complete the year's curricula at elementary and junior high schools after coronavirus-caused school closures this spring.
   The ministry notified local education boards across the country on the day that around 20 pct of the initially planned classes could be replaced by supplementary classes and homework.
   The ministry presented a model case in which this school year's curriculum would be completed through a shortened summer break, Saturday classes and other measures. The ministry also called for holding school events including athletic meets and school trips.
   Meanwhile, the ministry released its proposals for teaching plans in collaboration with textbook makers, including quick response, or QR, codes in English textbooks to play video and audio data.
   In the notice, the ministry urged schools to give consideration to students with difficulties studying at home, and to utilize information and communications technology and study instructors. The government's proposed second supplementary budget for fiscal 2020 includes funds to recruit 61,200 additional study instructors from among retired teachers, university students and others.


