2020.06.05 20:14Nation

政府、観光喚起策の公募中止 「7月実施」に黄信号―旅行クーポン発行遅れも

 政府は5日、新型コロナウイルス対策として実施する観光需要喚起策「  」の事務局委託先の公募をいったん中止すると正式発表した。当初は8日に募集を締め切り、7月下旬からキャンペーンを始める予定だったが、今回の決定に伴い開始が遅れる公算が大きくなった。コロナ収束を機に地域経済をV字回復させる政府の狙いに黄信号がともっている。

2020.06.05 20:14Nation

Japan Govt Halts Tender for COVID-19 Tourism Relief Campaign

The Japanese government said Friday that it has decided to temporarily stop accepting applications to undertake back-office work for its "Go To Campaign" for tourism promotion, a key stimulus measure drawn up to deal with the fallout from the new coronavirus pandemic.
   The suspension of the tender process comes as the government is being grilled over the program by opposition parties, which say that the planned consignment fee of some 300 billion yen for the work is extremely high.
   The government initially planned to launch the program in late July, after closing applications for contractors on Monday. But the latest move is likely to push back the launch, casting a cloud over the government's aim of achieving a V-shaped economic recovery after the virus crisis settles down.
   The program is aimed at helping travel agencies, restaurant operators and other tourism-related companies hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis, by stimulating demand through the distribution of coupons and loyalty points to customers.
   The government is set to consider an alternative plan in which the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry, and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry will select their own contractors for clerical work in their respective fields, aiming to lower the consignment fee for each part of the process.


