2020.06.05 07:08Nation

ウーバー「生きていくため」 店舗維持へ副業で配達―飲食業、試行錯誤・新型コロナ




2020.06.05 07:08Nation

Restaurant Owner Works as Food Deliverer amid COVID-19 Crisis

The owner of a Japanese restaurant in Tokyo is looking to keep her businesses afloat amid the COVID-19 crisis by taking up a side job as a Uber Eats food delivery worker.
   Chieko Sato, 45, runs the Yuimaru restaurant in the Japanese capital's Kabukicho district. She has been looking for ways to make ends meet as she suffered a drastic drop in income due to the prolonged business suspension request during the coronavirus state of emergency.
   On May 24, the day before the government lifted the state of emergency, Sato waited for a delivery request at her closed store. She was notified of a request from a donut shop some 300 meters away on her smartphone app at around 5:30 p.m. (8:30 a.m. GMT), and hurriedly left the store riding an electric-assisted bicycle.
   "I can't just sit around," she said regarding her situation.
   Sato signed up as a deliverer for the service, run by Uber Japan Co., in March, hoping to make up for lost income so she can pay her business rent and living expenses. She took measures to prevent coronavirus infection, wearing a face mask while carrying the delivery items and making sure to avoid touching the handles of the plastic bags holding the food.


