2020.06.05 07:04Nation

委託費3000億円に批判 観光支援策「税金無駄」の恐れ―野党追及、政権に打撃も

 政府が新型コロナウイルス対策で実施する観光需要喚起策「  」をめぐり、最大3095億円が事務委託費に回され「税金の無駄」につながるとして、立憲民主党など野党が批判を強めている。コロナ対策では予算の使途に関する野党の追及に政府が十分に対応できない場面が目立つ。国民の疑念を払拭(ふっしょく)できなければ、政権の求心力低下に拍車を掛ける可能性もある。
 「  」の総事業費は1兆6794億円に上り、4月末に成立した2020年度第1次補正予算に盛り込まれた。利用客に対するクーポンやポイントの付与などを通じて需要を増やし、新型コロナで売り上げが急減した観光、飲食といった事業者を支援するのが狙い。7月下旬にも開始する方向だ。



 野党が中小事業者支援策「」の事務委託費について徹底追及の構えを崩さない中、「  」は来週始まる2次補正予算案審議の新たな火種となりそうだ。(2020/06/05-07:04)

2020.06.05 07:04Nation

Abe Administration Grilled over 300-B.-Yen Consignment Fees

The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faces growing opposition criticism of its allocation of up to 309.5 billion yen for a deal with the private sector to consign clerical work in a government program to support the coronavirus-battered domestic tourism industry.
   The sum, which accounts for as much as about 20 pct of 1,679.4 billion yen earmarked for the "Go To Campaign" program in the first supplementary budget for fiscal 2020, has nothing to do with boosting demand for tourism-linked businesses, the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and other major opposition parties argue.
   In the campaign, set to begin in late July, coupons and reward points will be distributed to promote hotel stays, transportation use, souvenir shopping and dining at local restaurants. The government plans to pick an entity to undertake back-office work after accepting applications until Monday.
   The government had claimed that checking how the campaign works, responding to inquiries and promoting measures in the program would cost that much.
   But in reply to CDPJ lawmaker Satoshi Arai's question at a House of Representatives tourism committee meeting Wednesday, tourism minister Kazuyoshi Akaba effectively admitted that the costs are excessive, saying he will make efforts to cut them "as much as possible."


