2020.06.04 20:19Nation

日中韓ASEAN、強固なサプライチェーンへ協力で一致 経済相がコロナ対応協議


2020.06.04 20:19Nation

Japan, China, S. Korea, ASEAN to Team Up for Solid Supply Chains

Japan, China, South Korea and ASEAN member states at a videoconference among their economic ministers on Thursday agreed to build solid supply chains at a time when the movement of people and goods has been hampered by the novel coronavirus pandemic.
   In a joint statement issued after the session, the ministers from the three East Asian nations and the 10 members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations reaffirmed "the importance of keeping the markets open for trade and investment to strengthen the resiliency and sustainability of regional supply chains" and expressed their commitment to "make utmost efforts to ensure the continued flow of trade in goods and services."
   The ministers also called on the governments of the countries to establish, "at the national level and on a voluntary basis," guidelines allowing essential cross-border travel by businesspeople on an exceptional basis in the event of global health crises.
   They said they will ensure that measures to restrict exports of medical goods, such as face masks and protective suits, will be "transparent, temporary and consistent with " trade rules of the World Trade Organization, in line with the objectives to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
   From Japan, Shigehiro Tanaka, vice minister of economy, trade and industry for international affairs, took part in the online conference on behalf of Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Hiroshi Kajiyama.


