2020.06.04 19:25Nation

人種問題に配慮、自衛策も 対応急ぐ日本企業―米抗議デモ


2020.06.04 19:25Nation

Japan Firms Bracing for Anti-Racism Riots in U.S.

Japanese companies operating in the United States are quickly taking measures in response to raging anti-racism protests in the country triggered by an incident in Minneapolis late last month in which a black man died after being pinned down to the ground by a white cop.
   Companies need to take careful approaches to deep-rooted racism issues in the country, analysts said. Some firms are showing understanding for the ongoing demonstrations while others are taking steps to defend themselves from protests that are becoming violent.
   In a tweet on Wednesday, SoftBank Group Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son pledged to overcome the inequality in the society that hampers black and Hispanic entrepreneurs from achieving a success.
   SoftBank Group plans to launch a new 100-million-dollar fund to support companies led by non-white founders and entrepreneurs. It will be one of the largest funds for that purpose in the world, according to the mobile phone and investment group.
   Sony Interactive Entertainment, a U.S. unit of electronics giant Sony Corp. , has postponed an online event scheduled for Friday to unveil software for the group's PlayStation 5 video game console, which will go on sale late this year.


