2020.06.04 13:10Nation

東京五輪、簡素化検討 「国民の理解必要」―小池都知事


2020.06.04 13:10Nation

Postponed Tokyo Games May Be Simplified: Gov. Koike

The Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, which have been postponed to summer next year due to the spread of the new coronavirus, may be simplified, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike suggested Thursday.
   "We will work to streamline and simplify parts of the Tokyo Games where needed," Koike told reporters at the Tokyo metropolitan government building in the Japanese capital.
   The Tokyo Olympic Games are scheduled to start on July 23, 2021.
   "We need to earn the understanding of the citizens of Tokyo and the people of Japan in order to hold the Olympics," Koike said, adding that her government will work together with the Japanese government and the organizing committee for the Tokyo Games in tackling the matter.
   The central government has voiced its hopes to hold the delayed Olympics in its complete form.


