2019.09.30 18:02Nation



2019.09.30 18:02Nation

Appeal Filed against Not-Guilty Ruling for 3 Ex-TEPCO Execs

Lawyers acting as prosecutors filed an appeal on Monday against a court verdict that found three former executives of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. not guilty over the March 2011 nuclear accident in northeastern Japan, triggered by a massive earthquake and tsunami.
   The Tokyo District Court ruling earlier this month "avoided judgment on the important topic of the obligation to avoid foreseeable damage, and rejected the possibility" of foreseeing the massive tsunami hitting TEPCO's Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power station in Fukushima Prefecture, the lawyers said in a statement.
   "The court's judgment that 'securing the absolute safety of the nuclear plant had not been assumed' is totally unacceptable, and finalizing the decision would run significantly counter to justice," the statement said.
   The lawyers' petition was filed with Tokyo High Court.
   The district court judged in its Sept 19 ruling that "there was no way to avoid the accident other than to stop the plant's operations."


