2019.09.30 11:21Nation



2019.09.30 11:21Nation

Kansai Electric to Disclose Money Scandal Report on Wed.

Kansai Electric Power Co. said Monday that it will hold another press conference, on Wednesday, over a money scandal involving its nuclear plant business in the town of Takahama, Fukui Prefecture, central Japan.
   Company officials including President Shigeki Iwane are expected to explain the content of an investigation report on the scandal drawn up by an internal committee set up last year.
   They are also expected to announce the launch of a new panel to probe any similar cases involving the company's nuclear business elsewhere in the country, as well as its other divisions. Chairman Makoto Yagi is also slated to attend the press conference.
   The Fukui town hosts the Takahama nuclear power station of the company, whose main service area is the Kansai western Japan region.
   At a press conference on Friday, Kansai Electric admitted that 20 executives including Iwane and Yagi received 320 million yen's worth of money and goods in total between 2011 and 2018 from Eiji Moriyama, former deputy mayor of Takahama, who died in March this year.


