2020.04.07 11:34Nation

家計支出、5カ月連続減 新型コロナ影響注視―2月


2020.04.07 11:34Nation

Japan Household Spending Down for 5th Straight Month in Feb.

Consumption spending by households in Japan in February fell 0.3 pct from a year earlier to 271,735 yen in price-adjusted real terms, the internal affairs ministry said Tuesday.
   Spending by households comprising two or more members fell for the fifth straight month since October, when the consumption tax was raised from 8 pct to 10 pct.
   Excluding leap year effects, household spending fell 2.7 pct.
   The government called for temporary school shutdowns and cancellations of large-scale events in late February amid the spread of the new coronavirus.
   Due to these measures, household spending in February reflected both negative and positive effects from restricted outings.


