2020.04.02 23:09Nation

クラスターマップを更新 14都道府県26カ所に―厚労省


2020.04.02 23:09Nation

Coronavirus Clusters Increase to 26 in Japan

Japan's health ministry on Thursday updated for the first time in about two weeks its map showing clusters of new coronavirus infection cases in the country.
   The number of clusters came to 26 in 14 of the country's 47 prefectures at the end of March, up from 13 in eight prefectures.
   Places where five or more people were infected with the virus are shown as clusters on the map.
   According to the revised map, Miyagi, Gunma, Ibaraki, Gifu, Kyoto and Oita prefectures saw clusters happen for the first time, with the combined number of cluster sites in the six prefectures coming to eight. Five more cluster sites in total were added in Tokyo, and Chiba, Kanagawa and Hyogo prefectures.
   Clusters tend to occur at closed, crowded places involving close contact, ministry officials said, adding that such group infections have so far happened at places like medical and welfare facilities used by many elderly people, and places where people breathed hard through singing loudly or doing exercise.


