2020.04.02 23:13Nation

大阪府、大型連休まで休校延長 主催イベントも同期間自粛




2020.04.02 23:13Nation

Osaka Extends School Closures until May 6 over Coronavirus

The prefectural government of Osaka, western Japan, decided Thursday to extend the closures of high schools and special-needs schools run by the prefecture until May 6, the final day of the Golden Week holiday period, to prevent the further spread of the novel coronavirus.
   It will also continue to refrain from holding prefectural government-sponsored events through the same day. The decisions were made at a meeting of the prefecture's task force on the fight against the coronavirus.
   "The school closures should be kept in place as the number of infected people and the proportion of those testing positive for the virus are increasing in the prefecture," Osaka Governor Hirofumi Yoshimura told reporters after the meeting.
   Yoshimura also noted that a panel of experts under the Japanese government has designated Osaka as one of areas with a spike in infections and that many school-related people in the prefecture are worried about the virus situation.
   Meanwhile, the prefectural government will have students attend schools once or twice a week during the closure period to assign homework and check their health conditions.


