2020.03.31 18:55Nation

新型コロナ感染防止へ閣僚チーム分け 間隔空け「3密」回避―政府対策本部




2020.03.31 18:55Nation

Abe Cabinet Divided into 2 Groups to Prevent Virus Spread

The government of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to divide cabinet ministers into two groups to alternately attend meetings of the government's coronavirus response headquarters in order to prevent the spread of infections among ministers.
   "To prevent the spread of the virus and serve the purpose of crisis management, we'll divide participants of response headquarters meetings into two patterns," Abe told a meeting with cabinet ministers on Tuesday.
   As Abe attends all such meetings, Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso, who will serve as interim prime minister, will not attend such meetings.
   To avoid a closed and congested environment, a possible hotbed for group infections, seats for cabinet ministers will be arranged with wider distances between them.
   The measures were prompted by the infection of cabinet ministers in Britain.


