2025.03.14 16:48World eye

トランプ氏、「パレスチナ人」を侮辱語で使用 ユダヤ系民主党上院トップに対し

 シューマー氏は長らくイスラエルを支持する一方、 パレスチナ問題をめぐってはイスラエルとパレスチナが平和的に共存する「2国家解決」への支持を表明。イスラエルがパレスチナ自治区ガザ地区で実施している軍事作戦も批判している。
 米民主党ユダヤ評議会の ヘイリー・ソイファー最高経営責任者(CEO)もXで、トランプ氏の発言を「忌まわしい」と批判。「彼は大統領就任以来、反ユダヤ主義の陰謀論者を持ち上げ、われわれの民主主義を攻撃してきた。彼の発言、政策、極右との結びつきは、米国のユダヤ人を危険にさらしている」と批判した。
2025.03.14 16:48World eye

Trump slammed for using 'Palestinian' as slur against top Democrat

US President Donald Trump has been condemned by Jewish and Muslim groups for using the term Palestinian as a slur in an attack on the country's highest-ranking elected Jewish official.
In comments to reporters in the Oval Office on Wednesday, Trump said Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer had become a Palestinian.
He used to be Jewish. He's not Jewish anymore, he's a Palestinian, Trump said.
Schumer, a long-serving Democratic senator from New York, has resisted Republican pressure this week to back their stopgap plan to avoid a government shutdown.
The Senate minority leader is a longtime advocate for Israel who has voiced support for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and also criticized Israel's conduct of the war in Gaza.
Jewish and Muslim organizations both slammed Trump's comments as offensive.
A President has many powers, but none of them include deciding who is and isn't Jewish. Doing so, and using 'Palestinian' as a slur, are both beneath any (US president), the Jewish activist group, the Anti-Defamation League said in a statement on X.
Nihad Awad, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), called on Trump to apologize, adding that his use of the term Palestinian as a racial slur was both offensive and beneath the dignity of his office.
Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, also condemned Trump's statements, calling them abhorrent.
Since taking office, he's elevated antisemitic conspiracy theorists & attacked our democracy. His rhetoric, agenda, and alignment with right-wing extremists are endangering American Jews, Soifer wrote on X.
Schumer's office did not immediately reply to an AFP request for comment.
Last month, Trump also referred to Schumer as Palestinian when the president proposed a widely criticized plan for the United States to take over the Gaza Strip and relocate Palestinians.
And ahead of last year's election, Trump accused Schumer of being a proud member of Hamas.


