外務次官に船越氏 外務審議官鯰氏、アジア局長金井氏
船越 健裕氏(ふなこし・たけひろ)京大法卒。88年外務省に入り、首相秘書官、アジア大洋州局長を経て23年8月外務審議官(政務担当)。59歳。兵庫県出身。
鯰 博行氏(なまず・ひろゆき)東大教養卒。89年外務省に入り、国際法局長、経済局長を経て23年8月アジア大洋州局長。58歳。神奈川県出身。
金井 正彰氏(かない・まさあき)慶大経卒。92年外務省に入り、北米局参事官、国際文化交流審議官を経て24年8月国際法局長。56歳。東京都出身。
中村 和彦氏(なかむら・かずひこ)京大院修了。92年外務省に入り、中南米局兼経済局審議官、国際法局審議官を経て24年7月地球規模課題審議官。54歳。福岡県出身。
宮本 新吾氏(みやもと・しんご)筑波大院修了。94年外務省に入り、インド公使、北米局参事官を経て24年7月アジア大洋州局参事官。58歳。
中村 亮氏(なかむら・りょう)東大法卒。92年外務省に入り、ドイツ公使、長崎県警本部長を経て23年8月南部アジア部長。55歳。埼玉県出身。(2025/01/10-16:53)
Japan to Name Funakoshi Vice Foreign Minister
The Japanese government on Friday appointed Takehiro Funakoshi, senior deputy foreign minister for political affairs, as vice foreign minister to succeed Masataka Okano, who is set to become chief of the National Security Secretariat.
Funakoshi, 59, joined the Foreign Ministry in 1988. He took up the current post in August 2023 after serving in such positions as executive secretary to the prime minister and director-general of the ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau.
Hiroyuki Namazu, 58, chief of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, will succeed Funakoshi as senior deputy foreign minister for political affairs. After entering the ministry in 1989, Namazu worked in such posts as director-general of the International Legal Affairs Bureau and the Economic Affairs Bureau. Namazu assumed the current post in August 2023.
The post of Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau director-general will go to Masaaki Kanai, 56, head of the International Legal Affairs Bureau. Kanai, who joined the ministry in 1992, took up the present post in August last year. His previous posts at the ministry include deputy director-general of the North American Affairs Bureau and director-general for cultural affairs.
Kazuhiko Nakamura, 54, deputy director-general for global issues at the ministry's International Cooperation Bureau, will become director-general of the International Legal Affairs Bureau to succeed Kanai. After joining the ministry in 1992, Nakamura served in posts including deputy director-general of the Latin American and Caribbean Affairs Bureau, the Economic Affairs Bureau and the International Legal Affairs Bureau. He took up his current post in July last year.