2024.11.21 17:38Nation

博士人材の就職支援へ手引案 能力に見合う初任給設定―経産・文科省


2024.11.21 17:38Nation

Japan Drafts Guide to Help Doctorate Holders Find Jobs

Japan's economy and education ministries have drafted a guide for companies and universities to help people with doctoral degrees find jobs, it was learned Thursday.
   The ministries presented the draft at a meeting of a related government panel on the day.
   The draft calls for setting starting salaries at levels suitable for highly skilled doctorate holders and providing examples of career development paths for such personnel.
   As Japanese companies have lagged behind foreign firms in the use of doctorate holders, the ministries hope that creating an environment that helps high-level experts develop successful careers will boost the competitiveness of domestic industries.
   The ministries plan to finalize the guide by as early as next spring and distribute it to companies and universities across the country.


