2024.10.16 13:31Nation

手話ロックバンド、結成35年 音楽を体感し「自己流に楽しむ」―メンバー3人が聴覚障害者・名古屋

 名古屋市を中心に活動する4人組手話ロックバンド「BRIGHT EYES super―duper」が結成から35年を迎えた。ドラム以外の3人は全員聴覚障害者だが、音の振動を感じながらリズムを取り、演奏する。リーダーでギターの木村正明さん(55)は「自己流に音楽を楽しむことができると伝えたい」と力を込める。
 名古屋市で9月に行われたライブには全10組中、唯一の手話ロックバンドとして参加。会場には約30人が集まった。テンポの速い迫力ある演奏が始まると、観客は息をのみステージを見詰めた。手話をテーマにした楽曲「Sign Love」では観客と一緒に「友達」などの簡単な手話をし、会場が一体に。オリジナルの5曲を演奏し終えると、大きな拍手が響き渡り、顔の両側で手をひらひらさせる手話の拍手をする観客もいた。主催者の古山督章さん(60)は「衝撃だった。振動でリズムを取り、歌が歌えるのか」と目を丸くしていた。

2024.10.16 13:31Nation

Sign Language Japanese Rock Band Marks 35 Years

A four-piece Japanese rock band with three members who have impaired hearing has marked the 35 years since it began performing music expressed also through sign language.
   To keep rhythm for their performances, the three members feel the vibrations of the music. Masaaki Kimura, 55, the band's leader and guitar player, says, "We want to show listeners that they can enjoy music in your own way."
   The band, "Bright Eyes Super-Duper," was formed in the central Japan city of Nagoya in May 1989, shortly after Yoshifusa Narita, 59, the drummer and the sole member without any hearing loss, began working as a teacher at Aichi Prefectural Nagoya School for the Deaf. Kimura, then one of Narita's students, expressed his wish to launch a music club.
   Kimura and Tomohisa Yamamoto, 52, the bass player, have serious hearing loss and are unable to hear the sounds of conversations. They watch the movements of the drummer and feel the vibrations of the music to keep rhythm during their performances.
   The vibrations of the drum and the bass are all the more important for vocalist Shunsuke Suzuki, 53, because he wears a head microphone and stands with his back to the other members as he sings while translating songs into sign language.


