2024.10.09 17:43Nation

運航会社社長を起訴 業過致死罪、知床観光船事故―釧路地検

 北海道・知床半島沖で2022年4月、26人が乗った観光船「KAZU I(カズワン)」が沈没した事故で、釧路地検は9日、業務上過失致死罪で、運航会社「知床遊覧船」(斜里町)社長の桂田精一容疑者(61)=同町=を起訴した。容疑者死亡のまま書類送検された豊田徳幸船長=当時(54)=は不起訴処分とした。

2024.10.09 17:43Nation

Hokkaido Boat Operator Pres. Charged over 2022 Sinking

Public prosecutors Wednesday indicted the president of a tour boat operator over a fatal sinking incident off the Shiretoko Peninsula in Hokkaido, northernmost Japan, in April 2022.
   The Kushiro District Public Prosecutors Office charged Seiichi Katsurada, 61, head of Shiretoko Yuransen, based in the Hokkaido town of Shari, with professional negligence resulting in death. Katsurada has denied the charges, according to investigators.
   The Japan Coast Guard arrested him last month over the death of all 26 people aboard the sunken Kazu I tour boat. It alleged that he neglected his duty as the person in charge of the Kazu I's operation to give appropriate instructions to the boat captain, resulting in seawater gushing in through a hatch due to high waves to cause the boat to sink.
   On the day of the incident, Katsurada let the Kazu I operate after deciding with the captain that the boat would return if the weather worsened. He is believed to have told investigators after his arrest that the sinking could have been avoided had the captain turned back.
   Katsurada's trial is expected to focus on whether the accident was foreseeable.


