2020.03.12 20:25Nation

ギリシャで聖火採火式 新型コロナで規模縮小―東京五輪






 野口 みずき(のぐち・みずき)三重・宇治山田商高から実業団入りし、マラソンは初挑戦の02年名古屋国際女子で優勝。03年世界選手権(パリ)で銀、04年アテネ五輪では金メダルを獲得。05年のベルリンで2時間19分12秒の日本新記録。16年3月の名古屋ウィメンズを最後に、翌月引退を発表した。同年に結婚し、19年から岩谷産業陸上部のアドバイザーを務める。(2020/03/12-20:25)

2020.03.12 20:25Nation

Tokyo Olympics Flame Lit in Greece

The lighting ceremony of the Olympic flame for this summer's Tokyo Games was held on Thursday at the ruins of the Temple of Hera in the Olympia archaeological site in Greece.
   After the ceremony, Mizuki Noguchi, the gold medalist of the women's marathon in the 2004 Athens Olympics, took the torch as the second runner of a relay in Greece and ran about 200 meters. She is the first Japanese to bear the torch in a relay for the Tokyo Olympic Games.
   The ceremony was scaled down from the initial plans and took place without spectators, with only related officials participating, at a time when the new coronavirus is spreading in Greece, like in many other countries including Japan.
   After the week-long relay in Greece, the Olympic flame will be handed over to the Tokyo Games organizing committee at a ceremony in Athens on March 19 and will arrive in Japan the following day, at the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force's Matsushima base in the city of Higashimatsushima in Miyagi Prefecture in the Tohoku northeastern region in the country.
   After being displayed in Miyagi, Iwate and Fukushima prefectures, which were hit hardest by the March 2011 powerful earthquake and tsunami, the torch relay in Japan will start on March 26 from the J-Village national sports training center in the Fukushima town of Naraha.


