2024.09.09 19:46Nation

デブリ取り出し、10日に再開 手順ミスで中断―東電福島第1


2024.09.09 19:46Nation

TEPCO to Resume Nuclear Debris Removal Work Tues.

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc. said Monday it will resume on Tuesday morning experimental work to remove nuclear fuel debris from a reactor at its meltdown-stricken Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan.
   On Saturday and Sunday, TEPCO rearranged the five pipes of the debris removal equipment that were initially installed in the wrong order, a factor that led to the postponement of the removal work, which was to start on Aug. 22.
   TEPCO President Tomoaki Kobayakawa confirmed the move on a camera from a remote control room when he visited the plant on Monday, according to the company.
   The pipes were installed by a partner company in July, but TEPCO never checked their order.
   TEPCO plans to spend some two weeks to remove up to 3 grams of nuclear fuel debris from the bottom of the containment vessel of the No. 2 reactor, by inserting the equipment into the vessel.


