2024.08.07 17:57Nation

大手の夏ボーナス、94万円 過去2番目の高水準―経団連


2024.08.07 17:57Nation

Major Japan Firms Raise Summer Bonuses to 2nd Highest

Major Japanese firms have raised summer bonuses by 4.23 pct in 2024 from the previous year to 941,595 yen on average, the second highest level since comparable data began in 1981, a tally by the Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, showed Wednesday.
   The move came after Japanese companies raised monthly wages at a historically high clip in the spring.
   Summer bonuses were raised for the third consecutive year. "The momentum for higher pay was maintained in bonuses" after the wage increases, said an official at Keidanren, the largest employers' group in the country.
   The survey covered 156 companies, including 120 manufacturers.
   Manufacturers' average summer bonus climbed 3.55 pct to 986,369 yen, marking the highest level since comparable data became available in 1997 and the third straight year of increase. Nonmanufacturers' average rose 7.57 pct to 836,150 yen.


